Friday, August 3, 2018

Here Are Some Don’Ts Of Fishing

We’ve heard of what makes a successful first fishing trip or what should be in a beginner’s fishing gear and tackle. But here are some mistakes to avoid in this hobby—take note and you might encounter them one of these days!

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Don’t put off fishing whenever possible Times moves fast and one of the few pieces of sound advice one can get is this: go fishing whenever you can. Don’t think there will be time next week or next summer; just plan and go! It can be done even at the nearest park.

Don’t be pressured to do it in the morning The best time to go is actually early evening, as fish love evenings, particularly after a hot summer day. During the day, one is also prone to wasting hours watching one’s static rod tip, pulling the line back and forth and making sure they’re still working properly. Very early mornings, though, are also a good time to fish.

Don’t miss the point – it’s not just about fishing The hobby goes beyond catching fish. It’s also about appreciating nature’s boundless gifts, sitting in a place to gather one’s self and relax, and to have the satisfaction of spending some quiet time doing what one loves.

Don’t forget crucial fishing gear Always remember to pack that net, as it’s never out of the ordinary to chance upon an extraordinary fish. Do a spot-check of what’s inside the gear. Never forget sun protection through sunscreen or a reliable hat and proper clothing.

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Don’t have it all to yourself Share the love of fishing to others, such as a friend, son or daughter, or a fellow parent or colleague. Grab the golden opportunity to teach it to others if you can.

Dr. Tom Maibenco is a family physician and an advocate of many great causes. When he is not busy with his professional and community work, he enjoys the outdoors, coin collecting, and fishing. Read more tips about his hobbies on this blog.

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