Friday, May 4, 2018

The cost: Two awful effects of armed conflict on soldiers

Survivors of wars, skirmishes, and other types of armed conflict never come out the other side the same. They are usually scarred both physically and mentally. This is the case for so many of the people who’ve served the country and its armed forces, as well as the police who’ve fought to protect and serve in the most violent places. 

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Wars and other armed conflicts usually dispense two types of disorders on survivors. Let’s take a look at them. 


Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is a condition that manifests itself a few months after a traumatic event. There are levels to PTSD with the more severe cases causing the patient to be a serious threat to themselves as well as those around them. There have been several accounts of soldiers becoming extremely violent because of PTSD. Like depression, this order is not a choice and cannot be overcome by will alone. Professional help should be sought after once a person is suspected of having PTSD. 

Shell shock 

Armed conflict is full of loud noises, and this is the basis of shell shock. When people with shell shock go back to their daily routine in peace, loud noises are often enough to trigger an episode. People with the condition often shake uncontrollably and panic whenever loud noises surprise them. 

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Family physician Dr. Tom Maibenco is a philanthropist who helps the men and women who have served the country and are suffering from PTSD. More on Dr. Maibenco’s practice here.

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