Sunday, March 25, 2018

How To Support Local Law Enforcement

There is an abundance of police officers around the country today who are dedicated to serving and protecting their communities. It is only fitting to show support for their noble endeavors and to appreciate the work that they do. Here are some little ways to do this on one’s own. 

Image source: The Odyssey 

Wear blue: Put a blue stripe – or strip of medium blue or royal blue colored or painted tape – on one’s windshield or rear bumper of the vehicle. Blue can also be painted directly there, measuring about half an inch wide and around 6 inches long. There’s also a campaign called Tuesday Blue’s Day where one can show support by wearing blue. 

Communicate with officers: It means a lot to express appreciation for the work they do, for certain exemplary acts, or for their use of the motto Pride, Integrity, and Guts. This helps overcome the derisive acronym “pig” that has often been unfortunately linked to the police force. 

Spread the word: If you have a positive story or experience with law enforcement, take a few minutes of your time to sharing it with loved ones and friends, or to write about it on social media. Don’t be afraid if it’s a story worth telling! 

Be polite and respectful: Respond politely when pulled over, keeping your hands on the car steering wheel until asked to get your license. Move slowly when you get your identification. Be agreeable and apologize when necessary. Be calm in rather tense situations. 

Consider donating: Donate to a police foundation or a local charity aimed at assisting law enforcement. This will also make a positive impact on preventing and reducing crime in communities. 

Image source: Share America

Dr. Tom Maibenco is a family physician who has been an avid supporter of the police, donating through the Fraternal Order of Police Program as an associate member of the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police. More articles like this here.

The Surprising Health Benefits Of Fishing

One may have started fishing after being influenced by a family member or living in an area that supports such lifestyle. No matter one’s reasons for casting the line and waiting for a nibble, fishing offers serious benefits to one’s health and wellness. Here are some of them. 

Image source: 


 Fishing is a form of meditation for it allows for a little mind clearing as one focuses on a fixed object (the potential catch) in a calming environment. Meditation offers a number of positive effects, from improving one’s immune system to slowing heart rate by enhancing one’s self-confidence. 

Light exercise 

One can burn calories while fishing, and it’s a fun way to exercise and sustain one’s interest. Also, it doesn’t require coordinating with anyone else – one can fish on their own and spend hours outdoors doing it. 

Stress reduction and management 

In surveys, participants reported that their main motivation isn’t just about their potential catch, but also escaping thick crowds. Fishing can help one reduce and manage stress from daily life. In fact, there are now even charities supporting the benefits of fishing in treating post-traumatic stress disorder. 

Vitamin D 

It may not be sunny outside at all times, but with enough outdoor time and sun exposure, one can up their vitamin D reserves. This nutrient helps regulate the calcium and phosphate in the body, keeps bones and teeth health, and has even been explored in the fight against depression. 

Image source:

Dr. Tom Maibenco is a family physician who is an advocate of many great causes. When he is not busy with his professional and community work, he enjoys the outdoors and loves to go fishing. For similar reads, visit this site.